- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All


Golod, N. R.
Gorsha, O. V.
Gorsha, V. I.
Grygus, I. , National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
Grygus, I.
Grygus, I. M.
Grygus, V. I.
Guley, A. O.
Guzii, O. V.


Haidai, S. I.
Haiduk, O. A.
Hainulina, I. M., Institute of Health of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences
Hamma, T. V., Institute of Health of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences
Hamma, T. V., National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences, Educational and Research Institute of Health
Hamma, T. V.
Hanitkevych, V. I.
Hasan, Yu. M., National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
Havrylenko, V. M.
Havrylyk, M. V., Polissia National University
Hertsyk, A. M.
Herych, R. P.
Hevko, U. P.
Hirak, A. M., Institute of Health of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences
Hirak, A. M., National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences, Educational and Research Institute of Health
Hirak, A. M.

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