
  • Івченко В. Ю. Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України


practical shooting, moving of the shooter, shooting in motion, expert assessment


Practical shooting is a relatively new sport of shooting, the purpose of which is to study and practice exercises that correspond to various cases of the use of firearm. It is have to be taken in account that there are quite a number of ways of moving of the shooter while shooting in motion. Perhaps the biggest difference between practical shooting and other shooting sports is the variety of exercises that are developed and prepared for each competition new (new location of targets, a new set of obstacles and conditions of execution). In this case, most targets (at least 70%) for shooting exercises are located in such a way that they can be hit in motion, ie hit the target while moving, while moving from one shooting position to another and thus gain a significant advantage in time. It should be keeped in mind that the training period is always limited in time, and pay attention to the studying and practicing of all available methods of movement, as a rule, is not appropriate, as it is enough to concentrate on working out the most effective way of moving. Therefore, the question of determining the most optimal way of moving while shooting in motion is quite relevant. The purpose of the study is to determine the most optimal way of moving of the shooter during shooting in motion, which allows the accurate and high-speed shooting. Using the method of expert assessments, the optimal way of moving of the shooter during shooting in motion, which became the "x-shaped" step, was identified.


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How to Cite

В. Ю., І. (2021). DETERMINING THE OPTIMAL WAYS OF MOVING OF THE SHOOTER DURING SHOOTING IN MOTION. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (8), 20–25. Retrieved from