
  • Д. Я. Третяк ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника»


11-13 year old football players, posture, somatometric and stomatoscopic indicators


The purpose of the study is to determine the morphobiomechanical pecularities of 11-13 year old football players with musculoskeletal system functional disorders as a basis for health technologies development in athletes training. Long-term training of young athletes is considered as an integral part of athletes training entire system, subordinated appropriate rules, including focus on higher achievements. In terms of sports training, when there is a long-term body adaptation to physical activity, there are morphofunctional changes in musculoskeletal system state. These changes, which occur directly during physical activity, stored in the body as even after finishing it. Accumulating over a long time period, they gradually lead to compensatory changes formation - somatic dysfunctions. In some cases, musculoskeletal system functional disorders occur during long-term training in certain sports, when training are held without taking into account the anatomical and biomechanical pecularities of the growing young athlete body using a large number of monotonous physical activities. The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in young athletes engaged in various sports is growing steadily. Our research has expanded the understanding of musculoskeletal system functional state of young football players. It was found that normal posture is characteristic of 50% of players aged 11-12 years, and 42, 85% of players aged 12-13 years. In young athletes, the most common musculoskeletal system functional disorder is scoliotic posture, which is found in 26.66% of players aged 11-12 years and 28.57% of players aged 12-13 years. The second detected musculoskeletal system functional disorder in young football players is a round back detected in 16.67% of 11-12 year olds and 17.14% in 12-13 year old athletes. The data obtained indicate the fact that the problem of musculoskeletal system functional disorders in young athletes is more acute than ever. The results obtained supplemented the information base on somatometric indicators of football players aged 11-13.


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How to Cite

Третяк, Д. Я. (2021). PECULIARITIES OF POSITION, SOMATOMETRIC AND SOMATOSCOPIC INDICATORS OF 11-13 YEAR OLD FOOTBALL PLAYERS. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (8), 51–57. Retrieved from