
  • Bimasota Aji Pamungkas Sebelas Maret University
  • Sapta Kunta Purnama Sebelas Maret University
  • Islahuzzaman Nuryadin Sebelas Maret University


Skills Analysis, Basic Futsal Techniques, AFF Futsal Championship


This study aims to analyze basic futsal technical skills of Indonesian national team players in the AFF Championship tournament. This type of research in this research is descriptive research. Researchers observed through recording and calculating the competition for the success of basic Futsal technical skills for the Indonesian National Team players, the basic technical needs for futsal games from the Indonesian National Futsal Team, and the dominant technical elements carried out by the Indonesian National Futsal team players to exercise control of the ball. The sample used is all Indonesian National Team Players in the AFF Futsal Championship Tournament, totaling 14 players. Sampling using total sampling method. The table format of Match Analysis is used by the author to analyze the match as a data collection instrument. The analysis technique used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis. By counting the number of passing, dribbling, shooting and controlling techniques for the Indonesian National Futsal Team Players in the AFF Championship Tournament. From the results of the basic technical analysis of futsal games for Indonesian Futsal National Team players at the AFF Futsal Championship Tournament, it can be concluded that the statistical average of the 3 matches that have been run by the Indonesian futsal team for passing techniques has a total number of 909 where the correct passing is 793 (87%) and for incorrect passes 116 (12%). The total number of Dribbling techniques is 182 where for correct dribbling amounted to 120 (66%) while incorrect dribbling is 62 (34%). Control technique has a total number of 691 where the correct control technique is 645 (93%) and for the wrong control technique 46 (7%). The total number of shooting techniques was 91, where the correct shots amounted to 72 (79%) while the wrong ones were 62 (21%).


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How to Cite

Aji Pamungkas, B., Kunta Purnama, S., & Nuryadin, I. (2021). ANALYSIS OF BASIC FUTSAL TECHNICAL SKILLS FROM INDONESIAN NATIONAL TEAM PLAYERS IN THE TOURNAMENT AFF FUTSAL CHAMPIONSHIP. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (8), 82–87. Retrieved from