
  • Ganang Pamungkas Sebelas Maret University
  • Wicaksana Jananta Sebelas Maret University
  • Agus Kristiyanto Sebelas Maret University
  • Muchsin Doewes Sebelas Maret University


Development Studies, Petanque Sports


This study aims to determine: 1) The development of petanque sports in Central Java Province, 2) The socialization efforts of the Petanque sport implemented by the Central Java Provincial Government, 3) Coaching of petanque sports achievements in Central Java Province. The place or location of the research is the Indonesian Petanque Sports Federation (FOPI Central Java Government). This research is a type of case study research. This research uses qualitative methods, namely observation, interviews, or document review. There are three data analysis activities that must be carried out, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. Based on the research results, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1) The development of petanque sports in Central Java is very rapid. 2) Petanque Central Java. 3) The Petanque Central Java Organizational Structure is good. 4) The coordination between FOPI officials in Central Java is good. 5) The management of FOPI Central Java has the responsibility and obligation to provide guidance to all cities / regencies. 6) The management of the Central Java FOPI province has made efforts to hold as many events as possible to recruit talented athletes, hold trainers and referees upgrading. 7)Socialization of petanque sports is still being carried out by introducing petanque sports to schools by involvingteachers, elementary, junior high, high school and university students are the main targets in socialization. 8) The development of petanque athletes in Central Java is in a good category. 9) Organizational performance, the role of socialization, and overall petanque sports coaching are going well.


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How to Cite

Pamungkas, G., Jananta, W., Kristiyanto, A., & Doewes, M. (2021). THE STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF PETANQUE SPORT IN CENTRAL JAVA PROVINCE INDONESIA. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (8), 118–123. Retrieved from