
  • U. I. Prysiazhniuk
  • A. S. Vovkanych



kinesioteping, therapeutic exercises, physical therapy, flat-valgus foot deformity, children’s school.


The state of health of modern society, in particular of children of preschool and primary school age, is of great concern. Musculoskeletal diseases attract special attention, the percentage ratio of which is steadily increasing every year. The main reasons for the rapid spread of ORA pathologies, in particular postural disorders, valgus or varus deformation of the feet, scoliosis, flat feet or a combination of these pathologies, can be considered the sedentary lifestyle of modern society. In particular, ORA pathologies are often found in children, especially of preschool age, due to the peculiarities of the development of their muscular and bone systems. Long-term quarantine restrictions, constant and excessive use of gadgets in everyday life, as well as in the process of learning and lack of sufficient motor activity can be considered the reasons for the rapid occurrence of ORA diseases. The purpose of the study is to analyze the main methods of FT for the treatment of flat-valgus deformity of the feet and the possibility of their application within the limits of a specialized preschool institution or at home. Research methods: analysis of scientific-methodical and educational literature by research direction. Results. In order to reduce the number of ORA diseases, in particular acquired flat-valgus deformity of the feet in preschool children, it is necessary to know and understand the causes of ORA pathologies, to carry out adequate treatment using non-invasive methods of exposure, in particular the application of physical therapy programs, which include self-therapeutic exercises, hydrokinesiotherapy massage, kinesiotherapy, as well as preventive measures to prevent the development of ORA diseases. An important point is the analysis of the most common methods of physical therapy, the possibility of their application within the limits of a children’s preschool, at home, or in medical or rehabilitation centers. Thanks to a detailed analysis of the main non-invasive treatment methods, physical therapists, when drawing up rehabilitation programs, can choose adequate methods of influence or prevention, which will be effective and contribute to the positive dynamics of solving the rehabilitation problem that is present in patients. Conclusions. This article described the main types of flat-valgus deformity of the feet, the causes of their occurrence, as well as described and analyzed the features of physical therapy methods, the possibility of their application within the limits of a children’s preschool institution or at home.


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How to Cite

Prysiazhniuk У. І., & Vovkanych А. С. (2023). APPLICATION OF PHYSICAL THERAPY METHODS IN PLANE-VALGUS DEFORMATION OF THE FEET. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (16), 83–89.

