higher educational establishments, health-improvement and recreational motor activity, educational environment, sports gamesAbstract
In recent years, there has been a significant reduction in the amount of academic hours for “Physical Education” in higher educational establishments, which has led to a decrease of the role of physical culture in formation of personality of a modern specialist, a decrease in motor activity of students and deterioration of their health. Literature review shows that modern principles of physical education and didactic objectives of “Physical education course” need to be modernized by means of transformation of the content of educational program, scientific and methodological, organizational, material and technical mechanisms of it provision, improvement of the efficiency of extra-curricular activities in physical culture and sport. The aim of this research is to study the state of development of health and recreational motor activity of students by means of sports games in educational environment of Ukrainian universities. Material. The results of survey of 277 students studying at “bachelor” educational and qualification degree in the specialty 035 “Philology” from three higher educational establishments of Ukraine indicate that the highest emotional background during physical education classes is provided by sports games, which, in its turn, positively affects formation of their physical and mental health. On the other hand, low activity of students in various sports events has been observed, which we assume is a reserve for improvement of their motivation to participate in competitions between groups and faculties, making it possible to further select students for sports skills improvement groups. Findings. A survey of students investigating the correlation between types of physical activity and emotional state during physical education classes found that participation in team sports yielded the highest levels of positive emotions (57.1%). Students engaged in fitness activities (14.8%), gymnastics (11.8%), swimming (8.1%) reported significantly lower positive emotional experiences. The lowest positive emotional responses were observed among students participating in martial arts (6.2%), weightlifting (5.8%), powerlifting (5.8%), and rowing (4.6%). The analysis of the survey results of future specialists in philology proves that playing sports games has a significant impact on human body, as 68.6% of the surveyed students believe that playing sports games contributes to health improvement and preservation; 45.7% of the surveyed students indicate that they ensure harmonious development, 20.8% of respondents indicate development of moral and willpower qualities, 20.7% of students indicate development of vital motor skills. Conclusions. The authors emphasize the fact that development of health-improvement and recreational activity of students by means of sports games in educational environment of a university promotes formation of their motor qualities, behavioral skills in a group of youngsters, ability to assess sports situation and make decisions.
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