For authors

Download information letter

To publish an article in the scientific journal “Rehabilitation and Recreation” you should take the following steps no later than August 30, 2024 (inclusively):

- fill in the information about the author at the link;

- send the article meeting the specified requirements and a copy of payment confirmation to

All articles recommended by the editorial board are published in the journal on a fee basis. Payment is made after the author receives confirmation of editorial board decision on approving the article for publishing. The editors anonymously review articles and check them for plagiarism, and then the authors receive details to pay the publication fee.

! The number of co-authors is limited to three.
There should be mentioned one author and no more than two co-authors. The list of co-authors includes only those persons who have really taken part in the research and agreed to bear full responsibility for its content.

Prohibition to refer to the aggressor state’s scholarly papers
It is not allowed to cite in the text and add to the bibliographic lists those sources that have been published since 2014 in russian, as well as sources in other languages, if they are published on the territory of russia and belarus.

Academic integrity
The Editorial Board guarantees high-quality anonymous peer-review of articles and their check for plagiarism using by the Polish company

The publication fee is 10 000 UAH (for 30 pages). Each extrapage is paid additionally (400 UAH). The publication fee coversthe costs associated with article editing, page planning, ande-layout preparation.

An author should send payment confirmation (a scanned receipt or its photo) to 

Example of the name of electronic files: Shevchenko_I.I._article, Shevchenko_I.I._receipt

The journal’s electronic version becomes publicly available on the website duly.

Journal electronic version will be available on the website before October 30, 2024.

If desired, an author can order a printed copy of the journal. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which is paid in addition to the publication fee.

Authors who ordered a printed copy will receive it before November 30, 2024.


  • therapy and rehabilitation;
  • human health, fitness and recreation, physical education of various groups of the population;
  • physical culture and sports.


Language: Ukrainian, Polish, and English

Article volume: 10-40 pages. Font: Times New Roman, 14 fs, line spacing 1,5 (1 for tables), all margins – 2 cm, paragraph indention – 1.25 cm. Formatting paragraphs using spaces or tabs is not allowed. In the text, it is necessary to use quotation marks of the following type: “ ”. Hyphenation in the text is prohibited. Pages are not numbered. Dashes (–) and hyphens (-) are clearly differentiated.

Article structure: article title in the source language and English (italics) is aligned middle, below – author’s surname and initials, affiliation in two languages (Ukrainian or Polish and English); abstracts and keywords in two languages (Ukrainian or Polish and English).


The volume of abstracts is 250-300 words (at least 1800 characters).

Abstract structure: purpose, material, findings, and conclusions.

The abstract should act as a source of information independent from the article and clarify its main content. The English-language abstract should be written in high-quality English; the use of computer translation is prohibited.

The abstracts should meet international standards.

Keywords (4-5, comma separated).

Article body text

A scientific article should comprise the following elements:

Introduction. Problem statement, its importance, topic relevance, analysis of recent research and publications; specification of previously unsolved parts of the general problem the article is devoted to. Materials and methods. Participants, research organization. Research results. Statement of original research material with a detailed description and substantiation of findings (research results with mandatory statistical processing should be presented as tables, graphics, diagrams, or figures. Data in tables should be reliable. A table’s title and name of graphics should meet their contents). Discussion. Data obtained should be compared with one of domestic and foreign scientists.

Conclusions. A brief formulation of the research results, interpretation and generalization of the topic. Conclusions should be concise, specific, substantiated, correspond to the research purpose, and emerge from the main content.

Bibliography. It refers to original sources which are designed following the national standard of bibliographic description DSTU 8302:2015. DOI is mentioned if any. It is recommended to use about 10-15 items (60% of the last five years) meeting the research problem; each should be referred in the text. References are indicated in square brackets; they are separated from each other by comma, e.g., [3; 4; 15].

Authors’ works of the last 5-10 years and works submitted before 2014 are cited, but taking into account the fact that it is not allowed to cite in the text and enter into the bibliographic lists those sources published in Russian, as well as sources in other languages, if they published on the territory of russia and belarus.

References. The list should meet the standards of APA (American Psychological Association).


Heta, A.V. (2018). Vykorystannia zasobiv fizychnoi reabilitatsii dlia osib z osteokhondrozom shyinoho viddilu khrebta [The use of physical rehabilitation for people with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine]. Aktualni problemy fizychnoho vykhovannia riznykh verstv naselennia: zbirnyk naukovykh prats, 5, 44–54. [in Ukrainian].

Foreign publications mentioned in Bibliography are duplicated.

The editors are entitled to reject an article which does not meet the above requirements and is of poor scientific relevance.