Repository Policy

The journal should be clearly acknowledged as the original place of publication and the proper citation information should be provided when posting, disseminating, or using Open Access articles. In addition to the Version of Record, authors should deposit the URL/DOI of their published article in any repository.

We strongly encourage authors to deposit the Version of Record when making their article available under their Open Access license terms. This ensures that the definitive version is easily accessible to those who access the article through such repositories, increasing the likelihood that the article will be correctly cited.

Because there are numerous ways for authors to share different versions of their article as it progresses toward publication, a summary is provided below.


Versions of Manuscripts

Author’s Original Manuscript – the version that will be submitted to a journal for peer review. It may be distributed as widely as the author desires, including via social media, a scholarly collaboration network, the author’s personal website, or a preprint server intended for non-commercial use. A preprint server posting is not considered a duplicate publication. If the author decides to publish AOM elsewhere, we ask that he or she acknowledge that the article has been accepted for publication as follows: “Rehabilitation and Recreation” has accepted this article for publication.

Accepted manuscript – this version has been peer reviewed and accepted by a journal editor. When the author receives the Editorial Board’s acceptance email, they can save a copy of their accepted manuscript for future posting. The author may post their Accepted Manuscript at any time after it has been accepted. To encourage citation of work, we recommend that the author includes the following text, such as the DOI to the published article: “This is an Accepted Manuscript for an article that will be published in “Rehabilitation and Recreation” on [date of publication], [Article DOI].”

A version of Record – the final, definitive, citable version of a manuscript that has been copyedited, typeset, and has been assigned a DOI.


The electronic version of the journal is included in the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.