
  • Volodymyr Hrynovets Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • Anatoliy Mahlovanyy Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • Igor Hrynovets Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • Anna Buchkovska Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • Olha Kunynets Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • Olexandr Novytskyy Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Ключові слова:

health signs are intellectual, social and physical components, disease prophylaxis


The paper contains theoretical analysis and scientific justification of the relevance of various approaches to assessing such an important concept as "human health". As a result of the analysis of scientific sources related to the concept of disease prevention, different etiologies, the importance of individual changes in the life cycle (the activity of the way of thinking and life), as well as the role of relevant physical, intellectual and social factors that directly affect, form and reflect the status of human health have been investigated and studied. Considering this question, the maximum attention was paid to the influence of motor activity, and also to the relationship between motor (life) activity and intellectual and psychological emotional development. According to information references and scientific sources, the relationship between specific diseases and lack of motor activity has been defined. Researches of many scientists proved that an organism with the limited level of physical activity is less stress-resistant, and from so automatically gets in an unhealthy zone. Physiologically - the lack of proper motor (vital) activity disrupts the normal operation of all systems of the body, reduces its stability (immune response), because the lack of movement (physical inactivity) is the root cause of most diseases.

Thus, the most effective means of preventing most diseases and improving the status of human health is - readiness to change thinking and activity of life style, which must necessarily include a set of individually selected (differentiated) health-development daily workloads.


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Як цитувати

Hrynovets, V., Mahlovanyy, A., Hrynovets, I., Buchkovska, A., Kunynets, O., & Novytskyy, O. (2020). HUMAN HEALTH AND FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE BODY AS A WHOLE. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (6). вилучено із

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