Ключові слова:
physical rehabilitation, sports injuries, contracture, device for mechanical therapy of the mandible, masticatory musclesАнотація
The article analyzes the dependence of localization of head and face injuries on the type of sport. We have proposed a device for active and passive mechanical therapy of the mandible which is successfully used in the physical rehabilitation of athletes with injuries of the maxillofacial area. The study was conducted for 3 years and it was attended by 70 athletes with contractures of masticatory muscles, which were divided into 2 clinical groups, depending on the method of treatment. The purpose of the study is increasing of mouth opening amplitude to normal rates – 4.5-5 cm. The advantages of the device over the known: the device has removable plates of different size – suitable for children and adults, the plates are perforated − for people with partial absence of teeth, the bottom plate adapted to configuration and movements of lower jaw (not balances), the thickness of the plates provides their use even in patients with mouth open only to 5 mm easy to use, not requires great efforts, when patient presses on device handle, in the principles of action is programmed using not only passive, but active work of masticatory muscles. The most striking indicator of its effectiveness was the magnitude of the opening of mouth. In patients treated with the new method, the magnitude of the opening of mouth reached the norm for 14 days, at the same time, as in patients with control group, it was almost twice less.
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