
  • В. І. Матійчук Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки


female students, physique, posture, goniometric indicators, technology


The objective of the study is to assess the impact of tools and methods of the author's technology on goniometric indicators of posture of students with different body types in the process of physical education. Material and methods. The experiment involved 121 female students aged 17-18 with different body types, of which: mesomorphs – 64, ectomorphs – 35, endomorphs – 22 people. Methods: theoretical, empirical, statistical. A variety of different approaches to the interpretation of the concept of a body are manifested both at the level of everyday, mass consciousness and derived practices, and in specialized, professional activities, including - at the level of specific scientific and philosophical knowledge. Studies of some scientists suggest that the beauty of human appearance is largely determined by physique. According to the scientific community, a human body from a systemic standpoint should be considered as an interconnected and interdependent set of biogeometric, biodynamic and morphofunctional components of the body. In this case, human health from a systemic standpoint is assessed as a certain harmony of the interconnected spatial characteristics of a body. Assessment of the state of spatial organization of the body of female students, in this study, we carried out based on the results of the assessment of posture goniometry. The substantiated technology of correction of a physique of students taking into account geometry of masses of their body in the course of physical training is directed on achievement of the corresponding purpose by observance of system, normative-target, personality-oriented approaches. The structure of technology contained the objective, tasks, principles, pedagogical conditions, stages: organizational-introductory, correctional-preventive, supporting. The peculiarity of the proposed technology is the correctional and preventive direction which is reflected in the developed class-studio "Grace", which includes: "Studio of prevention of postural disorders", "Studio of statodynamic stability" and "Corrective studio". The results of the research indicate the effectiveness of the proposed author's technology. Our research has expanded the idea of the functional state of the musculoskeletal system of female students with different body types. The results obtained by us supplemented the information base on goniometric indicators of posture of female students with different body types.


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How to Cite

Матійчук, В. І. (2021). DYNAMICS OF GONIOMETRY INDICATORS OF POSTURE OF FEMALE STUDENTS IN THE PROCESS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THE AUTHOR’S TECHNOLOGY. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (8), 40–45. Retrieved from https://health.nuwm.edu.ua/index.php/rehabilitation/article/view/143