recreation, recreology, mode of human motor activity, health improving, physical education during pregnancyAbstract
The issue of prolonging the human race from time immemorial was relevant. In order to strengthen the health of young people, the formation of a healthy generation of Ukrainians, we propose to reduce the negative phenomena among the younger generation through recreation, to achieve greater activity of various groups through guided walks and other outdoor activities. The tasks of health-improving physical culture during pregnancy have been determined. We have offered recommendations for pregnant women that will not limit them during this period, but on the contrary, will help to properly and usefully distribute their free time. The purpose of the research was to study changes in physical performance the state of various groups of the population during recreation and physical training, women in period of pregnancy. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization data of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical methods; anthropometric research methods; physiological methods; methods of mathematical statistics. Checking the statistical significance of differences in indicators before and after experiment we do. We continue to explore the above question. There are positive changes in the physical condition of various groups of the population after taking into account our recommendations, namely: improvement condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body, increasing levels of physical fitness, activity. Such approaches in the prevention of violations in the state of health of different groups of the population allow to improve their well-being, to meet the needs in the field of leisure and recreation.
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