
  • S. V. Hutsman Institute of Health of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences
  • A. O. Nohas Institute of Health of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences
  • O. I. Nikolenko Institute of Health of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences
  • P. S. Podoliaka Institute of Health of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences
  • T. V. Hamma Institute of Health of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences




medical and biological problems, physical culture, sports


The article considers the main medical and biological problems of physical culture and sports as the principles of interaction of biological laws in the process of human mastery of the values of physical culture. An integral part of physical education is a system of knowledge on physical education classes, taking into account medical and biological aspects. Without methodological knowledge, physical education is impossible, because the effect of such exercises is questionable. Physical education classes should have a clear focus, which is aimed at improving the level of physical fitness and functional status. It is worth paying attention to the following areas: regular medical and biological control, determination of the level of functional status of students, construction of a curve due to changes in heart rate, determination of general motor activity, etc. The physical culture and sports movement interacts with the medical, biological and socio-cultural aspects of physical culture, which are reflected in the systemic nature. The question of finding new ways and means to improve the health of the younger generation, as well as the optimal ratio of medical and biological aspects of physical culture remains relevant. It is necessary to develop teaching materials, manuals, textbooks to improve the quality of training, prepare methodological and popular publications on medical and biological problems of physical culture and sports to increase the effectiveness of professional activities and promote medical and biological knowledge. The key priority of all methodological knowledge in physical culture is the formation of students' conscious need and a stable habit of caring for their health, increasing the level of physical fitness, taking into account medical and biological aspects.


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How to Cite

Hutsman С. В., Nohas А. О., Nikolenko О. І., Podoliaka П. С., & Hamma Т. В. (2021). ON THE ISSUE OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORT. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (9), 156–160. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-1795.2021.9.20