
  • Yu. Yu. Rebryk Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • N. Ya. Ulianytska Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



therapeutic exercises, depressive episode, depression, physical therapy.


Depression is a common and disabling disorder that affects over 120 million people worldwideand at least 1 in every 5 people during their lifetime. The classic method of treatment, adopted through-out the world, is the use of antidepressants for various groups of the population, considering the severityof the disease, psychotherapy is also actively used in treatment.The purpose of our research is to identify the possibility of using therapeutic exercises as an additionalmethod of treatment and prevention of depressive episodes, to confirm the hypothesis that physiotherapyprograms can be used in the treatment of depression on a level together with classical methods of treat-ment. Conducting the research, we have developed materials from domestic and foreign journals, mono-graphs on this topic over the last 10 years.The research confirmed that therapeutic exercises can be used by physiotherapists to treat and preventdepression.In foreign literature, a significant number of researches have evidence-based results that therapeuticexercises that are used for depressive disorders have a positive effect on a level together with classicalmethods of treatment.Moreover, the groups of patients for which therapeutic exercises were added to the usual inpatienttreatment received a better therapeutic effect than the control group. For mild and moderate depression,the effect of therapeutic exercise is comparable to antidepressants and psychotherapy. For severe depres-sion, therapeutic exercise is an effective additional therapy to traditional treatments. Well-controlledresearches are needed to understand the mental health benefits of exercise among different populationsand directly address the processes that underlie the positive effects of exercise on mental health.According to the available research, we can talk about the validity of the inclusion of clinical programsof physical rehabilitation within the framework of mental health treatment, with the assistance of special-ized clinicians (physiotherapists).


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How to Cite

Rebryk Ю. Ю., & Ulianytska Н. Я. (2022). THE ADMINISTRATION OF PHYSIOTHERAPY IN THERAPEUTIC DEPRESSIVE STATES. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (10), 45–51.