
  • O. R. Voloshyn Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University



preschool age, ways of physical education, health, health-improving activity.


Human health is a socially significant phenomenon, the level and condition of which is judged onthe well-being of society. The higher level of health culture of the whole society, the higher level of cultureof a healthy lifestyle of each person.Today, the alarming trend of deteriorating health of children and adolescents is becoming increas-ingly apparent. About 90 % of preschool children have abnormalities in physical and mental health.Deterioration of health occurs against the background of low physical activity. Hypodynamia amongchildren reached 80 %, passion for computer games, lack of physical activity indicates a low levelof health culture, as well as the ineffectiveness of existing forms of physical education in organizedgroups and in the family. The main source of development and strengthening of children’s health resources is systematic physicalactivity throughout life. Physical education in educational institutions is designed to create a child’s needto improve health through regular physical education and sports.However, the modern system of physical education in the process of its development and improvementreveals a number of contradictions, among which the main ones are:– contradiction between the leading values of a healthy lifestyle and the lack of motivated needs of mostchildren in regular physical education and sports;– inconsistency of the proclaimed goals of physical education and the real possibilities of their imple-mentation for each individual child;– lack of scientifically sound recommendations on the content and methods of teaching health skills topreschoolers;– the need for a comprehensive formation of a healthy lifestyle (HLS) and the lack of methodology forteaching the basics of HLS.Solving the problems associated with the formation of a culture of personal health at different stagesof age development, it is advisable to turn to the system of physical education, which includes various edu-cational institutions and types of education, which can solve problems of education, upbringing and devel-opment of children, іnvolving them in a healthy lifestyle, the formation of health motivation, training skillsof physical culture and health activities.


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How to Cite

Voloshyn О. Р. (2022). CURRENT ISSUES OF PRACTICE PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (10), 71–77.