hormones, endocrine system, peptides, steroidsAbstract
The word hormone comes from the Greek word hormeo, which literally means to move, stimulate. The endocrine system is an extremely complex and secret system of the human body. Hormonal disruptions can disrupt the work of the whole organism. The main role of the hor-monal system is to oversee all physiological functions of a human being. This intricate web of various glands located in many parts of the body is responsible for the internal balance, the so-called homeostasis. The endocrine system in cooperation with the nervous system creates a specialized «processor» that controls all parameters necessary for life. Hormone secretion is both feedback-controlled and regulated by the nervous system. Hormones can be likened to messengers traveling through the bloodstream who carry information to other organs. One hormone can activate a multitude of different organs to work, and one organ can be acted on by several different hormones. The science that deals with the study and properties of hormones is endocrinology. Hormone production occurs in the endocrine glands, from where they are then released into the bloodstream. There they act on a specific receptor. Their powerful activation can trigger a number of reactions in the body, especially their deficiency. Hormones regulate the body’s vital processes and stimulate many different organs to function. Hormones are responsible for adapting physiological processes to constantly changing environmental conditions. It is them who depend on the proper growth and development of our body, regulating blood sugar levels and mobilizing the forces necessary to fight in the event of a possible threat. With hormonal disorders, there may be discomfort from various organs, sometimes it comes to a situation that other glands try to take over the functions of those that have ceased to function properly.
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Hormony – definicja, podział i rodzaje, choroby hormonalne https://dieta.pl/zdrowie-i--uroda/hormony-definicja-podzial-rodzaje-choroby-hormonalne/13.04.2022r.
Klasyfikacja hormonów ze względu na budowę chemiczną: Wyróżniamy cztery główne rodzaje hormonów ze względu na budowę chemiczną: https://docplayer.pl/113272890-Klasyfikacja-hormonow-ze--wzgledu-na-budowe-chemiczna-wyrozniamy--cztery-glowne-rodzaje-hormonow-ze-wzgledu--na-budowe-chemiczna.html
Cenimy Twoją prywatność h t t p s : / / p o r t a l . a b c z d r o w i e . p l / h o r m o n y / 13.04.2022r.
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