predictors, stroke, students, questionnairesAbstract
The article presents a study of the analysis of the profile of controlled predictors in the potentiation of stroke among student youth. The research was conducted according to the plan of research work of the Department of Anatomy, Physiology, and Valeology of Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko. Our study aimed to determine the profile of the presence of controlled predictors in the potentiation of stroke among students to optimize prevention. The research was based on an anonymous survey conducted on the Google form platform among first- and fourth-year students of the Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. The sample consisted of 403 students (243 girls and 160 boys) aged 17–20. A detailed analysis of the representation of risk factors depending on the pathogenetic subtypes of stroke was conducted. Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, a new cause-and-effect relationship with the SARS-CoV 2 virus has been established to potentiate cardioembolic stroke. It was found that the level of knowledge of students about risk factors and the possibility of control is not high enough: students do not sufficiently understand the importance of the role of behavioral factors in motivating and promoting health. It is determined that there are already leading risk factors and symptoms of vascular diseases of the brain among students. Low physical activity, poor diet, bad habits, long work at the computer, emotional stress, usage of oral contraceptives without a doctor’s prescription, and as a result, several risk factors in one person are being identified. It is substantiated that screening of children and youth provides, firstly, the establishment and active action on personally controlled risk factors, and secondly, the introduction of comprehensive information and educational system in educational institutions in today’s challenges, namely: the spread of NCDs, risk and the ability to provide home care, and thirdly, the calculation of controlled predictors of stroke will contribute to the development of health-preserving competence of the future teacher and the improvement and refinement of prevention strategies.
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