strength endurance, fitness programs, motor skills, physical exercises, distance learningAbstract
The problem of health of the entire population of Ukraine is recognized at the state level, as the level of development of the state at a particular stage determines the health of the nation. Distance learning of students in Ukrainian educational institutions have led to a critical decline in the duration of specially organized physical activity. Therefore it is necessary to use the main modern methods and tools for solving the problem of motor skills development in female students of higher education institutions. The paper shows that the direction of future professional activity affects the development of motor skills of female students, determining the characteristics of physical performance, motor activity and the required level of physical health of future professionals. The generalization of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports shows the importance of developing the muscular endurance of students in higher education. On the other hand, the importance of developing muscular endurance for girls should be motivated, which is possible through awareness of the correlation of their own professional development and development of their own motor skills. The purpose of the study: to investigate the impact of the use of fitness programs on the performance of endurance students of agricultural universities during distance learning. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The experiment was conducted on the basis of Sumy National Agrarian University. The testing was attended by 28 first-year students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Environmental Management, which were divided into control and experimental groups. The classes of the experimental group used fitness programs to develop strength endurance, which is necessary for life and professional self-realization of students. The various dynamic and static exercises and their combinations have been selected to work large muscle groups or several muscle groups until fatigue, which stimulates changes in the muscles. As a result of the study, it was found that the use of fitness programs in the experimental group, contributed to significant and positive changes in many of the studied indicators.
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