
  • A. Mahlovanyy
  • I. Grygus
  • O. Kunynets
  • S. Duliba
  • L. Strelbytskyi
  • O. Ivanochko
  • V. Homyshyn



Paralympic athletes, physical rehabilitation, special physical exercises, cardiovascular system, neuromuscular system, sensory system.


Determining the effect of an individually selected complex of special physical exercises in archery and physical rehabilitation means on the functional state of the cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and sensory systems and sports achievements of Paralympic athletes. Material. To achieve the goal and solve the tasks of the study, the following methods were used: theoretical – search and bibliographic methods; empirical – medical-pedagogical and medical-biological research methods; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The analysis of scientific and methodological literature on practically healthy archery athletes allowed us to establish the important role of the nervous, muscular, and sensory systems in the realization of the archer’s sports results. Physical loads in archery are static and well-studied in practically healthy athletes, but in Paralympic athletes, they have not yet been studied sufficiently, and the effect of physical rehabilitation and special physical exercises in archery on recovery processes in the post-training and post-competition periods has not been studied, so a scientific study of Paralympic athletes was conducted. It was found that the Paralympians of the experimental and control groups at the firing line before and after the first training session of the first stage (background indicators) had no significant differences between all studied indicators. Significant differences between the first and second stages of the study and between the first and third stages of the study were determined only in the experimental group. The positive influence of the use of a complex of special physical exercises in archery and physical rehabilitation means on increasing psycho-emotional stability and improving sports performance has been proved. It was proved that Paralympians of the experimental group were more stable in performing shots and outperformed Paralympians of the control group by the results of shots, which is also an argument for the application of the proposed changes to the plans of educational and training sessions. Conclusions. In order to improve and stabilize sports results, increase psycho-emotional stability in the preparatory part of training sessions of the preparatory and competitive periods, apply a set of special physical exercises in archery and in the final part of physical rehabilitation – back muscle massage, massage of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and upper extremities and, on a free day, recreational swimming.


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How to Cite

Mahlovanyy, A., Grygus, I., Kunynets, O., Duliba, S., Strelbytskyi, L., Ivanochko, O., & Homyshyn, V. (2023). CHARACTERIZATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF PHYSICAL REHABILITATION MEANS AND SPECIAL PHYSICAL EXERCISES OF ARCHERY ON THE SPORTS PERFORMANCE OF PARALYMPIC ATHLETES. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (15), 17–26.




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