
  • R. I. Osypchuk
  • E. O. Zhyhulova
  • V. V. Zdaniuk
  • O. V. Markovych




diet, nutrition, physical therapy, health.


This article is aimed at providing special knowledge to students and specialists in physical therapy and the basics of rational nutrition about the feasibility of including diet therapy in physical therapy programs for patients. Preserving and promoting health and forming a healthy lifestyle of the younger and younger generation are now urgent problems of a national scale. Good health and a high ability to adapt to environmental factors are among the most important conditions for the formation of personal qualities. Depending on their role in the body, nutrients are divided into irreplaceable, i.e. those that cannot be synthesized in the body at all, and replaceable. The biological significance of substances contained in food is extremely important. For example, carbohydrates and fats are a source of energy, proteins, water and trace elements are the basis of plastic substances in the body. Vitamins and minerals are biologically active essential substances that are necessary for proper metabolism in the human body. Thus, food in the human body has a multifunctional value. It provides it with plastic substances that are necessary for the construction of new cells and tissues, ensures the synthesis of important compounds, as a source of energy necessary for vital processes in the body, as well as for mental and physical work. Nutrition has a special place in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for every person, including students. Academic overload, indifference to their health, lack of good living conditions and quality food, constant violations of healthy lifestyle and diet, and sometimes lack of money and other factors – all of these factors combine to cause great harm to health. The consequences of negative nutritional trends are gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer, etc.), obesity, allergic and other diseases that occur at a young age. The correct combination of diet therapy and physical exercises will contribute to the greater effectiveness of physical therapy programs for various diseases.


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How to Cite

Osypchuk Р. І., Zhyhulova Е. О., Zdaniuk В. В., & Markovych О. В. (2023). FEASIBILITY OF THE APPLICATION OF DIETARY NUTRITION IN PHYSICAL THERAPY PROGRAMS. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (15), 95–100. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-1795.2023.15.12

