massage, physical therapy, postural disorders, scoliotic posture, rehabilitation program.Abstract
The article highlights the analysis of scientific and methodical literature, which showed that the physical development of a person has a steady tendency to deterioration. Aim – analysis of literary sources of information on the role of massage in the physical therapy of people with scoliotic posture. Materials and methods. With the help of search databases of the Internet (Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar, PEDro), a bibliographic review of information sources and an analysis of materials on the features of massage in physical therapy of persons with scoliotic posture were carried out. Obtained results. The results of the literature on postural disorders in children and adolescents complaining of back pain indicated that this symptom is associated with static physical exertion, such as prolonged standing, sitting, or lifting excessive weight during daily activities. It should be noted that there are more and more studies that confirm that the population increasingly suffers from both acute and chronic back pain. With the help of search databases of the Internet (Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar, PEDro), a bibliographic review of information sources and an analysis of materials on the features of massage in physical therapy of persons with scoliotic posture were carried out. It is worth noting that in recent years, more and more special attention has been paid to scoliotic posture. Conclusions. The analysis of literature data confirmed that in persons with spinal deformities there is a violation not only of the skeletal-muscular system, but also of the functions of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and the physical therapy program, which includes massage procedures, has a positive effect on the functional state of the body. Rehabilitation massage, which is indicated for scoliosis, involves improving blood and lymph circulation, strengthening the back muscles and restoring their normal tone, reducing the feeling of muscle fatigue, helping to correct deviations not only of the spine, but also of the entire body, and reducing pain in the case of its presence.
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