


hypertension, obesity, physical therapy, health, DASH diet


Arterial hypertension is a lifestyle disease. According to the World Health Organization, it is the first cause of premature death. In patients with SCT of 180 mm Hg and/or RCT of 110 mm Hg, hypertension can be diagnosed already during the first visit. Some risk factors that contribute to hypertension can actually be influenced. One of these factors is obesity, and the consequence of obesity is hypertension. It is expected that by 2025, hypertension will affect 1.5 billion people worldwide. Non-pharmacological treatment, including lifestyle modification, plays a very important role in the treatment of hypertension. Some risk factors that contribute to the development of hypertension can actually be controlled. One of these factors is obesity, and the consequence of obesity is hypertension. It is expected that 1.5 billion people worldwide will suffer from hypertension by 2025. Non-pharmacological treatment plays a very important role in the treatment of hypertension, including lifestyle changes, especially homework, physiotherapy and diet. Clinical trials have shown that the antihypertensive effect of targeted lifestyle changes may be equivalent to the effect obtained with a single antihypertensive drug. The study involved a patient who had been suffering from hypertension for 16 years and was also struggling with obesity. The study lasted 3 months and included lifestyle modification by introducing physical activity and changing the diet. In order to simplify the diagnosis and facilitate treatment decisions, it was established what blood pressure values are considered normal and when they are considered abnormal. Arterial hypertension is diagnosed when the mean blood pressure values (calculated from at least two measurements taken during at least two different visits) are equal to or higher than 140 mm Hg for SCT (systolic blood pressure and/or 90 mm Hg for RCT (diastolic blood pressure). Arterial hypertension. The Framingham study proved that in 78% of men and 65% of women, the development of arterial hypertension is directly related to obesity.


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How to Cite

Skalski, D. W., Kreft, P., & Kyryk О. (2024). INTRODUCTION OF PHYSICAL THERAPY AND CHANGE OF DIET IN AN OBESE PATIENT WITH HYPERTENSION – A CASE STUDY. Rehabilitation and Recreation, 18(1), 29–34.

