


psychophysiological indicators, playing style, tactics, tennis players, factor analysis


Purpose is to determine the playing style of young tennis players, taking into account the psychophysiological, psychological and neurological indicators of athletes. Material and methods. The research group consisted of 24 tennis players aged 11–13 who train in the tennis section of the Polytechnic Sports Club of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” at the stage of preliminary basic training of the 1st year of study. The tennis players underwent a survey of the tactical skills of tennis players using a specially developed questionnaire. The assessment of psychophysiological indicators of tennis players aged 11–13 was carried out using the “PsychoTest” software complex, which included tests to determine: simple visual-motor reaction, discrimination reaction, choice reaction, tapping test and short-term memory test. The Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) online personality questionnaire was used to diagnose the personality and temperament characteristics of athletes. It is easier for athletes to keep their balance if the quality of their balance function is high, which is one of the important informative stabilometric indicators. That is why the Romberg’s test was used in the study, which was carried out using the Stabilan-01 software complex. Tennis players were asked to assess their balance with their eyes open and closed, standing on one leg with their arms raised. A factor analysis of indicators using the method of principal components and the Varimax rotation method with Kaiser normalization was carried out to determine the most significant indicators in the formation of the playing style, in parallel with this, the individual factor structure of each athlete was determined. Correlation analysis of test indicators and identified factors was carried out. Results. Factor analysis of the results of the survey of tactical skills of tennis players made it possible to divide the athletes into 4 groups depending on the style of play and to reveal the most significant indicators of the factor’s severity. Correlation analysis made it possible to reveal relationships between psychophysiological, psychological and neurological indicators and playing styles of tennis players. Individual factor analysis made it possible to identify the most pronounced indicators that influence the choice of playing style of tennis players aged 11–13. Conclusions. The obtained results among tennis players aged 11–13 made it possible to reveal indicators that have the greatest contribution to the formation of playing styles. The basis for the formation of the playing style is a set of psychophysiological indicators and psychological properties of athletes. Identifying the relationships between the indicators allows you to orientate both the coach and the player to the identification of indicators of the tendency to choose one or another style of playing the game, which significantly affects the success of the game. Individual factor analysis of neurological and psychological indicators allows to identify predictor indicators of the way tennis players play and the formation of their successful strategy.


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How to Cite

Yevtyfiieva, I. I., Borysova, O. V., & Boreiko, N. Y. (2024). DETERMINATION OF THE STYLE OF PLAY OF YOUNG TENNIS PLAYERS TAKING INTO ACCOUNT INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS. Rehabilitation and Recreation, 18(2), 158–173.

