
  • S. V. Babak National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • M. I. Yakubchik National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


Słowa kluczowe:

children 7–9 years old, exercise, physical qualities, diet.


Primary school plays an extremely important role in laying the foundations for the developmentof a holistic personality. Motor activity is a necessary condition for maintaining the normal functioningof the human body. School physical education has a significant impact on a person’s biological develop-ment, as well as on one’s healthy lifestyle.Early school age is an important period in the development of basic body functions, as well as physicalqualities that not only reflect the level of physical fitness of students, but also contribute to the adaptiveproperties of the body. Education of physical qualities contributes to the formation of physical and mentalcapacity, fuller realization of the potential of students. Physical development of primary school children isextremely important in the development of physical body and mental abilities. Compliance with the rel-evant standards is evidence of the normal development of motor activity of the student. Few people havestudied the dependence of a child’s physical activity and compliance with standards of one’s diet.Research was conducted on physical fitness of children 7–9 years old, namely: in physical educa-tion classes determined compliance with standards of exercise (according to the curriculum for secondaryschools) that reflect such physical qualities as speed, agility, strength, flexibility and endurance. The datawere then compared with each child’s exercise and diet.According to our research, it can be affirmed that children who eat properly are able to comply withphysical standards of physical fitness. Children who eat irrationally cannot meet the standards sufficiently.That is, nutrition affects physical fitness, which is an important basis for a child’s health.


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Jak cytować

Babak, S. V., & Yakubchik, M. I. (2022). THE IMPACT OF NUTRITION OF PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL QUALITIES. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (10), 52–61.

