rehabilitation, participant in hostilities, joint force operations, injury, combat traumaAbstract
The article is devoted to solving the problem of substantiating the need to improve the system of medical rehabilitation of servicemen – participants in hostilities. As a result of the direct participation of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the joint forces operation, they acquire physical and psychological injuries that require comprehensive rehabilitation. Ukraine has introduced a system of medical rehabilitation of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – participants in hostilities at the local level. Personal practical experience and research indicate the need to develop a comprehensive rehabilitation program at the state level. The need is due to the result of combat injuries of servicemen, which lead to physical disability and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – psychological disability. Improving the rehabilitation program at the local level makes it impossible to cover the full range of issues related to the training of relevant specialists, the organization of specialized centers at the appropriate level. To date, rehabilitation centers have provided social and psychological assistance to more than 10,000 servicemen who were demobilized after participating in the anti-terrorist operation, and more than 10,000 members of the families of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. More than 5,000 servicemen received sanatorium treatment. About 10,000 veterans underwent socio-psychological adaptation (retraining). At the same time, the indicators of rehabilitation of servicemen serving under contract in the Armed Forces of Ukraine remain unsatisfactory (according to the State Service of Ukraine for War Veterans and ATO Participants).
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