hand-to-hand combat, technique, error, young athletes, qualimetry, expertsAbstract
Current stage of development of the theory on athletes’ training is due to the choice of strategic directions for its further improvement, including by finding reserves for the development of its various areas, which are aimed at improving the efficiency of training system. One of such promising areas is the formation and improvement of motor technique as a decisive factor in the realization of motor potential of the athlete, and therefore an important and integral component of a holistic system of sports training. Today, specialists in hand-to-hand combat are acutely faced with the issue of developing innovative technologies for learning the basic elements of motor technique. The purpose of the study is to determine the characteristic mistakes made by young athletes who specialize in hand-to-hand combat, in the development of side punches. According to experts, the mistake is to perform an exercise with a deviation from the technique model, which has a significant impact on the outcome of action. Research methods include analysis of documentary materials, qualimetry – the method of expert evaluations. The expert assessment was conducted with the involvement of 20 experts (coaches with more than 5 years of work experience). It is worth noting the high degree of experts’ agreement in the ranking common mistakes made by young athletes when performing side punches (front stand) – the coefficient of concordance was W = 0.90, χ2 = 0.40, when mastering hand punches from lower position – the concordance coefficient was W = 0.83, χ2 = 49.98. The study has confirmed the effectiveness of the qualimetry use to determine typical mistakes made by young athletes in mastering the basic techniques of their motor actions. Scientific sources and practical experience of leading experts in hand-to-hand combat truly testify to the need to develop a holistic system of knowledge for the formation of basic technology elements in young athletes. It should be noted that the outlined problem is not new for a wide range of scientific knowledge in sports training; however, it becomes especially relevant for hand-to-hand combat due to the specifics of motor actions implementation, which in its turn is characterised by the lack of clearly of planned motor structure, its high variability, unpredictability and ephemerality of changes during the battle, with the appropriate actions of the opponent, the need to act with minimal tactical information, etc. Characteristic mistakes made by young athletes in mastering side punches (front stand) and hand punches from lower position have been identified.
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