
  • V. I. Shandrygos Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University
  • A. I. Blazheyko Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine
  • N. V. Latyshev Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • Y. N. Tropyn Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture
  • N. V. Boychenko Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture
  • Y. S. Myroshnychenho Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture



women’s wrestling, analysis, competitive activity, medals, highly qualified athletes, forecasting


Purpose – to analyze the results of performances of athletes of the national team of Ukraine in women’s wrestling at international competitions from 1992 to 2021 and to make a forecast for future competitions. Material and methods of research. Analysis of scientific and methodical literature and sources of the Internet; analysis of official competition protocols; methods of mathematical statistics. The performances of the sportswomen of the national team of Ukraine in women’s wrestling at the European Championships, World Championships and Olympic Games among adults from 1992 to 2021 are analyzed. The number of medals won was counted. For more detailed analysis and forecasting, the competitions were combined into four-year Olympic cycles. The initial results of the performances are taken from the official website of the International World Wrestling Federation. MS Excel was used for statistical data processing and graphical presentation of results. Results. The analysis of the results shows that during the years of independence women wrestlers won 111 medals at the European Championships (including the II European Games 2019), of which 29 (26,13 %) gold. On average, athletes won 3.96 medals during the analyzed period. Statistics of awards at world championships show 42 medals, of which 11 (26,19 %) are gold. This is 2,64 times less than the number of medals at the European Championships, and gold medals 2,63 times less. On average, 1,5 medals were won at each world championship. Analyzing the data for each Olympic cycle, it was determined that the number of medals won at the European Championships is increasing and 29 medals were won in the last Olympic cycle. Looking at the world championships, there is a wave-like trend: in the 2005–2008 Olympic cycle won 8 medals; in 2009–2012 – 7 medals. The last Olympic cycle (2017–2021) turned out to be the best in terms of the number of medals won – 13 medals. Ukrainian women wrestlers have always claimed medals at the Olympic Games. However, the awards were won only in three Olympic cycles (2001–2004; 2005–2008; 2017–2021). Since 2004, Ukrainian athletes have been represented at all Olympic Games, obtaining the maximum number of licenses. In 2016 and 2021, out of six weight categories, our team was represented in five. Conclusions. The number of medals won by the Ukrainian women’s wrestling team at the European Championships is increasing, there is a wave-like trend at the World Championships, however, the last Olympic cycle was the best in the number of medals won, including two Olympic medals. Analyzing the previous performances, taking into account the young and strong team, we can confidently predict the effectiveness of our women’s wrestling team in official competitions.


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How to Cite

Shandrygos, V. I., Blazheyko, A. I., Latyshev, N. V., Tropyn, Y. N., Boychenko, N. V., & Myroshnychenho, Y. S. (2022). ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF THE PERFORMANCES OF THE NATIONAL TEAM OF UKRAINE IN WOMEN’S WRESTLING AT OFFICIAL COMPETITIONS (1992–2021): SECOND MESSAGE. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (10), 170–183.