
  • I. M. Kruk
  • I. M. Grygus



gunshot wound, military personnel, Armed Forces of Ukraine, rehabilitation, functioning, physical therapy


The article provides justification for the feasibility of using physical therapy for military personnel with the consequences of gunshot wounds and the effectiveness of implementing a physical therapy program in a hospital for military service veterans. The problem of physical therapy for combatants is especially relevant today, when since the beginning of the temporary occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea by the Russian Federation, the instigation of the armed conflict in the eastern regions of Ukraine and the full-scale invasion of our country on February 24, 2022, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are conducting a fierce resistance. The problem of rehabilitation and preservation of working capacity of persons who took part in hostilities remains relevant today. Very important are the timeliness, complexity, continuity of the rehabilitation process and the fastest return of the sick person to a full-fledged psychosocial life and the most complete recovery of the lost capacity for work. Carrying out rehabilitation measures for military personnel has its own characteristics, because after participating in combat operations, which were accompanied by enormous physical and psychological stress, generating strong combat stress, demobilized fighters, returning home, note that their psyche is not adapted to peaceful life, standard values of society, etc. Thus, both additional psychotraumatization and the emergence of military servicemen's rejection of existing social values, the development of antisocial forms of behaviour, etc., are possible. The urgency of the problem is due to the increase in the number of gunshot wounds, the complexity of diagnosis and treatment, the greater number of complications and the high degree of disability. After providing first aid and specialized treatment in military hospitals, military personnel need physical and psychological rehabilitation. The President of Ukraine set a task for the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to establish and regulate the processes of rehabilitation of servicemen after being wounded in the combat zone and overcoming combat mental trauma. After treatment in the hospital, servicemen face the problem of restoring their physical and psychological functionality. This is a very important task, since a serviceman who has been injured or has a combat mental trauma and has not undergone proper rehabilitation is not able to effectively conduct combat operations or fully return to peaceful life.


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How to Cite

Kruk І. М., & Grygus І. М. (2022). PHYSICAL THERAPY OF MILITARY PERSONNEL WITH THE CONSEQUENCES OF BURNT INJURIES. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (12), 44–51.