coordination abilities, development, children, motor activity.Abstract
In the article, we analyzed the main aspects of the development of coordination abilities in children of primary school age. We considered the peculiarities of the manifestation of coordination abilities and the factors that determine them, also determined the main principles of the development of coordination abilities in the process of physical culture, highlighted the classification of coordination abilities. In the course of the work, it was found that exercises for the development of coordination abilities should be used in each lesson, in a certain ratio, starting from the introductory part, paying attention to their harmonious combination with exercises aimed at the development of children's motor skills. One of the most important tasks of physical education of preschool children is the development of motor function and the ability to control their movements. The coordination abilities of the child perform an important function in the control of movements, namely the coordination and arrangement of various motor movements into a single entity in accordance with the task. Well-developed coordination skills are a necessary prerequisite for successful learning of physical exercises. It is necessary to develop the coordination of younger schoolchildren in various forms of classes. As a certain level is reached, the exercises must be made more difficult and updated so that the element of novelty remains. It was determined that experts recommend using musical accompaniment and game activities with younger schoolchildren during motor actions. Game activity puts forward certain requirements for the manifestation of sensorimotor reactions, information processing, thinking, and attention. The use of various exercises and methods of game direction in the educational process will make classes more interesting, develop children's independence and initiative, courage and determination, endurance and perseverance. Therefore, mobile games and relay races are the most effective and accessible means of developing the coordination abilities of younger schoolchildren.
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