
  • Ігор Григус Національний університет водного господарства та природокористування
  • Анастасія Грушевська Національний університет водного господарства та природокористування


Neurocircular dystonia, physical rehabilitation, therapeutic physical culture


Based on the analysis, synthesis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature was
studied physical rehabilitation with neurocircular dystonia. Determined that neurocircular dystonia is one
of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system at persons of young age and women suffer 2-3
times more often than men. The basis of treatment of neurocircular dystonia is the application of methods
of physical rehabilitation, as this disease cannot be cured, medication can only relieve symptoms. The
article presents the main approaches and use of various means of physical rehabilitation, also identified
the usefulness of these events. The necessity of complex application of rehabilitation measures, namely,
conducting medical physical culture, massage and physical therapy in neurocircular dystonia. The
efficacy of exercise in the first place depends on meet the physical loads the functional capabilities of


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How to Cite

Григус, І., & Грушевська, А. (2017). COMPLEX PHYSICAL REHABILITATION OF PATIENTS WITH NEUROCIRCULAR DYSTONIA. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (2). Retrieved from

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