martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, sports training, young athletes, posture, state level of the biogeometric posture profile, health.Abstract
The purpose is to determine the peculiarities of biogeometric posture profile of young athletes who specialize in hand-to-hand combat. Methods. Theoretical, empirical: pedagogical observation as a research method of empirical level – to learn the process of organizing educational and training classes. The "Torso" program was used to determine the types of posture, the visual screening of young athletes’ biogeometric posture profile state presupposed focusing on the tribal system and involving method of comparing individual posture on a photogram with graphic options on a sample. Methods of mathematical statistics. The results. The long history of the scientific justification of human body phenomenon serves as a convincing proof that at the modern stage of research the spatial organization of the latter is a concept carefully considered, scrupulously comprehended and properly interpreted by many scientists. Representatives of the morphobiomechanical scientific direction are particularly interested in the problem of spatial organization state of athletes’ bodies. In a wide range of studies, it is said that the state of musculoskeletal system, the possibilities of posture regulation and movement patterns, as well as the relationship and interaction of such systems are the determining factors of natural locomotion and human posture. During screening of the state level of the biogeometric posture profile among young athletes who specialize in hand-to-hand combat, a tendency of decreased number of persons with a normal posture up to 40.00% was observed. According to the results of screening of biogeometric posture profile of experimental contingent of young athletes who specialize in hand-to-hand combat, a general declining tendency of average values at the high and medium levels of biogeometric posture profile state in single combatants with normal posture, and at the low and medium levels of biogeometric posture profile state in athletes with a stooped back, a flat back, a round back and a scoliotic posture was observed. Conclusions. The study of fundamental researches devoted to the considered issue served as a basis for enhancing ineffectiveness of methodological and organizational conditions for the use of physical means and methods in the practice of the first to third stages of multi-year training for athletes with pathologies of various nosological groups. In the context of long-term training system for young athletes, one of the most controversial among representatives of the scientific community is the corrective and preventive aspects of athletes’ training. This direction remains the subject of deep interest of the latter for three decades.
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