health, women, musculoskeletal system, disorders, physical development, posture, biogeometric profile, mature age.Abstract
The aim of the article presupposes the study of physical development of 36–40-year-old women with different posture types. Research methods include theoretical analysis of special literature sources, method of copying information from medical records, pedagogical observation, photography and posture analysis, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. The results. Data from medical records of 36–40-year-old women have showed that in the younger sample (36–38-year-old) almost a third of the subjects (28.6%) had a normal posture. In the group of women aged 39–40, the share of people with normal posture is somewhat smaller (14.2%), and therefore, there are more people who are distinguished by a certain type of disturbed posture. It was established that most often in the age period of 36–40 years the type of posture with a round back (32.1%) or scoliotic posture (28.6%) is recorded, while a flat back is determined less often among common disorders. Studying separate age samples selected within the analyzed period, it can be seen that in the group of women aged 39–40 years, compared to those of younger group, there were more women diagnosed with a round (35.8%) or flat back (21.4%). Moreover, it is obvious that there are no significant differences among women with different types of posture within the analyzed age groups. However, if all eight groups are compared, regardless of the age limit, it can be observed that the groups differ significantly in terms of body weight, waist circumference, and hip circumference. The remaining parameters of physical development have less significant intergroup variation. This applies to indicators of body mass index, hip girth and shin, where intergroup differences have not been statistically confirmed, but differences have been found only among some groups at level of trends (p < 0.1). It is worth noting that the lowest indicators of body weight have been found in 36–38-year-old women with scoliotic and normal postures. They are slightly higher than those of the same aged women with a round and flat back. As for women aged 39–40, we have noticed a different nature of differences. The highest body weight values have been recorded in women with a flat back and scoliotic posture, while women with a normal posture have shown to maintain the lowest body weight. Conclusions. Since the only indicator of physical development, according to which the differences were insignificant, was the indicator of body length, the statement that all the characteristics of female physical development tend to increase with age is true. Confirmation of this conclusion can be found if we refer to the body mass index indicator, since all subjects aged 36–38 years had a body mass index within the normal range, while 35.7% of people aged 39–40 years showed a body mass index in the stage of pre-obesity (U = 24; n36–38 + n39–40 = 28; р < 0,001). In general, these data fully confirm the previously discovered patterns of female body development, according to which fat deposits gradually accumulate with age.
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