



complex coordination sports, cheerleading, young athletes, health, musculoskeletal system, functional disorders, technology, prevention, correction


Introduction. Specialists in the theory of sports consider athlete’s health as a professionally significant value which is the basis of his reliability in the conditions of sports competitions and prospects at the stages of the long-term training process. A review of the available scientific data accumulated in the field of the use of corrective and preventive measures in the process of training young athletes has shown that at the moment this direction is in the stage of active formation and development, and the prospects of research are related to the health care of athletes of immediate and distant reserves of sports of higher achievements. The objective of the study is to scientifically substantiate and develop a technology for prevention and correction of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system in cheerleaders at the stage of initial training and to determine its effectiveness. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources; questionnaires, pedagogical observation, qualimetry. To determine the goniometry of young cheerleaders with different types of posture, the “APECS” program, a pedagogical experiment, and methods of mathematical statistics were applied. Results. During this study, thanks to the experts, it was possible to single out the most important factors that are important for prevention and correction of disorders of the musculoskeletal system in young athletes. The technology of prevention and correction of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system in cheerleaders at the stage of initial training includes blocks of practical implementation: corrective and preventive, vertical stability, as well as the multimedia information and methodical system “Cheerleading star” and models of educational and training classes. The results of a consistently transformative experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the developed author’s technology for prevention and correction of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system in young cheerleaders during educational and training sessions. Conclusions. Implementation of the technology of prevention and correction of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system in young cheerleaders has a positive effect on the condition of their posture and lower limbs. So, for example, the mean value of the index of symmetry of the shoulder girdle in the sagittal plane has changed statistically significantly in cheerleader girls with a round and round-concave back (α2) на 1.80° (Z = -2.677; p = 0.007), angle of inclination of the pelvis in the sagittal plane (α4) – на 6.79° (Z = -2.549; p = 0.011); the index of displacement of the body in the sagittal plane (α5) improved by 1.71° (Z = -2.549; p = 0.011). It should be noted statistically significant changes in such indicators as the level of the shoulder blades in the frontal plane (β3) (Z = -2.549; p = 0.011) and foot valgus (Z= -2.371; p = 0.018). At the same time, it was established that the indicators of symmetry of the shoulder girdle in the frontal plane (β2) and the level of the knees in the frontal plane (β6) did not undergo statistically significant (p>0.05) changes.


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How to Cite

Krykun, Y. Y., Kashuba, V. O., & Аleshina A. I. (2024). EFFECTIVENESS OF THE TECHNOLOGY OF PREVENTION AND CORRECTION OF FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM IN CHEERLEADERS AT THE STAGE OF INITIAL TRAINING. Rehabilitation and Recreation, 18(1), 168–178. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-1795.2024.18.18

