
  • A. Mahlovanyy
  • O. Kunynets
  • I. Grygus
  • O. Ivanochko


Słowa kluczowe:

physical therapy, dosed physical activity, cardiovascular system, physical capacity.


The study of the reaction of the cardiovascular system of persons with amputation of the lower limbs at different levels at the initial stage of the application of physical rehabilitation and dosed veloergometric load with the execution of pedal rotation with the upper limbs. Material. In the course of the study, theoretical analysis and generalization of data from the scientific and methodological literature on issues related to the use of physical therapy in people after amputation of the lower limbs, variation pulsometry, determination of maximum oxygen absorption, measurement of blood pressure, dosed veloergometric load with the execution of pedal rotation of the upper limbs were used. Results. The analysis of modern scientific and methodological literature made it possible to consider the actual problem of scientifically based selection of rehabilitation measures to determine the amount of physical exertion for persons at the initial stage (post-hospital period) of the use of physical therapy means, depending on the level of amputation of the lower limbs and the reaction of the cardiovascular system to the performance of dosed cycle ergometric exercise load and control of their influence on hemodynamic indicators. The level of physical working capacity, the reaction of the cardiovascular system and the level of physical working capacity of persons with amputation of the lower limbs at different levels by means of dosed veloergometric load with the use of the upper limbs at the initial stage (post-hospital period) were studied, which are decisive in the individual appointment of the movement regime, the formation of the volume and intensity of physical exertion, selection of appropriate forms, methods and means of physical therapy. Conclusions. The applied adequate research methods made it possible to reveal the dependence of the reaction of the indicators of heart rate, blood pressure and maximum oxygen absorption on the amount of dosed veloergometric load depending on the localization, volume and level of amputation of the lower limbs, which will allow the application of a motor mode adequate to the functional state, the intensity of physical exercises, forms, methods and means of physical therapy for persons with different levels of amputation of the lower limbs.


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Jak cytować

Mahlovanyy, A., Kunynets, O., Grygus, I., & Ivanochko, O. (2023). THE INFLUENCE OF DOSED PHYSICAL EXERCISE ON INDICATORS OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM OF PERSONS WHO HAVE LOST LIMBS. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (14), 63–70.




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