
  • P. M. Hodlevskyi Kherson State Maritime Academy
  • O. V. Saratovskyi Kherson State Maritime Academy



health, physical activity, water transport specialists


Goal. Investigate the state and possibilities of forming the health of future water transport specialists by means of motor activity. Material and methods. The study involved 118 future specialists in water transport from the faculties of “Navigation” – 68 young men, and “Ship Energy” – 50 young men. The following research methods were used: analysis of literature sources, analysis of legislative and regulatory documents, questionnaires. Results. Factors of low level of formation of health culture of higher education seekers are defined: lack of personal value attitude to own health, measures of stimulation of health-preserving activity in educational and out of school time, depreciation of social prestige of physical culture, insufficient motivation to physical activity, low level health competence, lack of knowledge, skills and abilities to prevent occupational diseases. Physical activity has been shown to be a prerequisite for the normal functioning of the human body. Lack of exercise is as dangerous to humans as lack of oxygen, vitamins and minerals. Circumstances of necessity of formation of health-preserving activity of applicants of higher education are defined: 1) the time spent on the development of modern professions in the transport industry to achieve professional skills depends on the level of functional capabilities of the organism, which have a natural basis, the degree of development of physical abilities, diversity and perfection of motor skills; 2) the productivity of many types of professional activities of transport workers depends on good physical condition, without which there is no effective functioning of systems and functions of the body, which remains the most important prerequisite for high fruitfulness of any professional work; 3) the problem of prevention of probable negative influences of certain types of professional activity and its conditions on a physical condition of workers by means of physical culture is solved; 4) a promising trend of comprehensive development and promotion of the need for self-improvement is acquired by forming a level of self-awareness (motives, interests, values, attitudes), which is actively aimed at practical activities to achieve physical improvement, lead a healthy lifestyle, ensure social and professional functions of the future specialist. Conclusions. The studied state of health care in the CDMA indicates serious shortcomings in the work with the formation of motivation of higher education students to a healthy lifestyle. A comparative analysis of research in the 2018 and 2021 academic years identified the reasons for the negative attitude towards physical activity. The main reason is the lack of time, which increased by 3.9% and became 80.1% – drivers. Mechanics – from 75.4% increased by 6.6%, rising to 81.2%. The second place, according to the dynamics of growth, was determined by the shortcomings of logistics (25.0% – drivers, 24.5% – mechanics), in 2021. 45.0% of drivers, 43.0% of mechanics. There is no interest in classes (22.4% – drivers, 21.8% – mechanics), in 2021 30.8% of drivers, mechanics – 29.0% in terms of growth dynamics took third place. Which proves the negative tendency to reduce the level of physical activity as the basis of health. In order to form a culture of health care in CDMA, a new methodological approach is needed to develop motor skills, abilities and professional skills, using the appropriate material and technical base with the provision of special theoretical knowledge, forming motivation for higher education to a healthy lifestyle.


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How to Cite

Hodlevskyi П. М., & Saratovskyi О. В. (2021). FORMATION AND HEALTH STATUS OF FUTURE SPECIALISTS OF WATER TRANSPORT BY MOTOR ACTIVITY. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (9), 37–46.