
  • D. Y. Khomytsevych Polessky State University



physical preparation, physical training, young footballers, preliminary basic training


Preliminary basic training is a stage, one of the tasks of which is to increase the level of versatile physical and functional preparation. Physical training of young football players takes a key place in achieving sports results. Without a sufficiently high level of development of physical qualities, it is impossible to successfully apply techniques and perform planned tactical actions in the shortest periods of time and throughout the entire game. One of the most significant physical qualities for a modern football player is speed. It includes strength, which greatly affects his playing activity. The paper deals with theoretical issues of physical preparation of football players at the stage of preliminary basic training. The tasks and the didactic goal of the preliminary basic training stage were described. The place of physical training of young football players in achieving sports results has been determined. In order to get acquainted with the state of the studied issue, the analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, theoretical positions on the issues of physical preparation of football players at the stage of preliminary basic training were carried out. So it was found that the selective increase in training loads at all stages of sports training of children and adolescents is determined by the laws of the development of physical abilities. A high level and growth of development at a young age is assessed as a sensitive period and is fundamental for increasing the means of influence on a specific physical quality. Some researchers believe that the best sensitive period for the development of strength in young football players is the age of 13-15 years, others – 14-16 years. Analyzing scientific sources, the following issues were considered based on the research results: the use of means and methods of various orientations in the training of young athletes. In organizing the training process of football players, it is necessary to take into account the high intensity of metabolic processes and the age characteristics of a growing child's body. The relatively low functional development of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems with boys aged 13-14 significantly limits the ability to perform long-term intense loads. As a result of studying the literature, it was found that, in accordance with the playing role, all-round physical training (with an emphasis on speed and speed-strength qualities) of young footballers aged 13-14 is an actual scientific research.


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How to Cite

Khomytsevych Д. И. (2021). PHYSICAL PREPARATION OF FOOTBALL PLAYERS AT THE STAGE OF PRELIMINARY BASIC TRAINING. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (9), 120–125.