young boxers, spatial organization of body, technology, correctional and preventive measuresAbstract
In recent years, the scientific community has accumulated considerable experience that allows for sports training of young athletes, taking into account the peculiarities of their body’s development during their growth period. Based on the study of a wide range of scientific studies, the intensification of dynamics regarding the spatial organization disorders of the young athletes’ bodies involved in various sports is obvious at the present stage. Current trends in the process of training sports reserve indicate the need to expand the tasks at the initial stage of training, which would solve not only the problem of improving physical fitness and motor skills, but also to correct spatial organization disorders of young boxers, increase motivation to choose this kind of sport. Material and methods. Research participants. During the experiment, 60 boxers aged 10 to 12 studying in children and youth sports schools of Kyiv were involved. Research methods. Such research methods as analysis of scientific and methodological literature and documentary materials, anthropometry, pedagogical testing were used to perform the set tasks. Visual screening was performed to determine the posture disorders of the examined boxers. Pedagogical experiment. The results obtained during the study were processed using the methods of mathematical statistics. During the interview with coaches it has been found out that the problem of spatial organization disorders of young boxers’ bodies is not given due attention. Therefore, it is quite logical that taking into account the age characteristics of boxers, as well as the results of research of modern scientists and the data obtained during the observational experiment, the structure and content of the training process for young athletes has been developed. The obtained data have made it possible to substantiate and develop the author’s technology, guided by the fundamental developments of the theory and methods of youth sports, kinesiology, therapeutic physical culture. The structure and content of technology is determined by age, type of posture disorders, the sequence of correctional and preventive tasks. Author’s technology is based on the principles (namely, design, integration, didactic and special), as well as on the functions of technology management. The developed technology includes stages (adaptive-preparatory, basic, control-evaluation), modules (theory, correctional-preventive), blocks (corrective, dynamic posture, vertical stability, preventive, mobile games and relay races, stretching) and performance criteria. An integral part of the developed technology is biomechanical control, which allows to observe, measure and evaluate indicators of biogeometric posture profile level, physical fitness of young athletes in the process of their sports training.
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