8 principles of health, multiple sclerosis, physical rehabilitationAbstract
The principles of «health care reform», which were initiated by several doctors in the late nineteenth century and were called «New Start», are relevant today. These principles are actively applied in some Christian educational and health centers, aimed at changing the lifestyle of patients, based on a «comprehensive approach» to the treatment of diseases. They include eight important factors for life: nutrition, exercise, water, sun, moderation, air, rest, trust in God. Proponents of this doctrine argue that if these factors are applied properly, they have a powerful not only preventive but also curative effect. The presence of a large number of cases of changes in the course of disease when changing lifestyle suggests the effectiveness of these natural methods on the body and their use in multiple sclerosis. Modern evidence-based medicine argues that each aspect of everyday life significantly affects (positively or negatively) health. And the application of health principles can have a positive effect on the patient’s body and change the course of multiple sclerosis, which in turn leads to improved quality of life. Achieving the desired result is possible under the following conditions: application in combination with the treatment of multiple sclerosis of the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Changing eating habits, organization of daily activities, a set of physical exercises, walking, water treatments, the correct mode of alternation of physical activity and rest guarantees an effective result. Moreover, abstinence from everything that is harmful to health and moderation in the useful will help to form positive thinking. The recommended methods of rehabilitation should be adjusted according to the patient’s condition, as some procedures require cancellation during exacerbations. It is important that at each stage of treatment, relatives and friends do to help slow the progression of the disease and help improve the patient’s quality of life. Qualitative research on the complex impact of natural methods during the progression of multiple sclerosis was insufficient, and the effectiveness of their use was observed only in some cases, so we note that the study of the issue requires further work.
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