
  • I. M. Grygus
  • O. V. Khoma



aging, preventive and health-improving classes, physical activity, men, old age, chronic non-communicable diseases, pandemic


A significant number of elderly people already have significant limitations in physical activity due to chronic non-communicable diseases, and given the requirement to stay home during quarantine restrictions, physical activity is further reduced, which puts them at risk of so-called sedentary lifestyle. The aim of the work is to investigate the peculiarities of the use of means of health and recreational physical activity in the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases in elderly men under quarantine restrictions. Research methods: theoretical analysis, generalization and systematization of data of professional scientific and methodical literature and documentary materials, method of abstraction, method of comparison and comparison, inductive and deductive methods. Results and conclusions. One of the most important indicators of a healthy lifestyle is the amount of physical activity, and one of the most common risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases is insufficient physical activity. The situation is exacerbated by restrictions on participation in health programs during the quarantine restrictions caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. It was found that most studies aimed at involving older women in physical activity programs, and there are insufficient developments to increase the level of physical activity of older men. But participation in aerobic exercise programs is the first factor in longevity, prolonging life expectancy, even if respondents did not engage in organized physical activity at a young age. Restrictions on the recommendations of research results available on the Internet have been identified, as they mostly do not take into account medical indications, contraindications and specifics of motivation of older men, which requires further research in this area.


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