
  • V. V. Tsybulska
  • H. V. Bezverkhnia
  • V. V. Faidevych



values, physical culture, self-improvement, professional-applied physical training, students


Purpose: to theoretically substantiate and analyze the problems of forming the values of physical culture for professional and applied self-improvement. Materials and methods of research: The theoretical analysis and systematization of literature sources on the research topic allowed to clarify the conceptual apparatus, formulate the purpose and objectives of the study, to clarify the problem area of values of physical culture and motivation for professional self-improvement. The application of the method of analogy of the studied patterns and system analysis allowed to determine the general trends in the formation of motivation for professional and applied self-improvement. Results: the classification of the value potential of physical culture is characterized, the axiosphere of physical culture is analyzed, the conceptual apparatus of physical education in the professional and personal development of the future teacher is determined, the value attitude to one’s physical condition is analyzed, the process of students’ involvement in physical culture is analyzed. cultural potential of the individual, worldview, spirituality, active life position. The formation of the values of physical culture to professional and applied self-improvement while studying in a higher education institution acts as a socio-cultural process, which includes: the formation of the attitude to the assignment of cultural values; orientation in cultural (cognitive) values; formation of the purpose of cultural (educational) activity; mastering the spiritual values of society; formation of a holistic (value) picture of the world; orientation in universal values. The physical culture of the individual, which is characterized by the level of self-awareness, education; organization of personal time, aesthetic taste, properties of movements and body construction; a certain type of motor activity, based on value orientations, knowledge, beliefs Conclusions: the classification of value potential and axiosphere of physical culture, analyzed the basic concepts of physical education professional and personal development of future teachers.


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How to Cite

Tsybulska В. В., Bezverkhnia Г. В., & Faidevych В. В. (2022). THE FORMATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION VALUES AND MOTIVATION TO PROFESSIONAL SELF-IMPROVEMENT. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (11), 227–233.