
  • D. W. Skalski
  • D. Kowalski
  • В. Kindzer
  • Р. Kreft
  • Т. Gamma



water rescue, sport, swimming, competition


Rescuers must demonstrate their skills during each rescue competition. At each start, they are judged by the audience that came to see if they really felt safe by the water. It depends on the level of training of lifeguards and what level they will present during the competition between themselves and whether these people will enjoy a rest at a guarded bathing beach during warm days. Will they go, for example, 200 meters further to the water that no one is guarding, because they think that the lifeguard will not provide them with adequate safety anyway? They will do so because they will be convinced that a man standing by the water in an orange T-shirt with the inscription "RESCUER" can do nothing, and he chose this activity by chance, or in order to spend a pleasant vacation. Another positive reason is that during the observation of individual competitions, WOPR instructors draw conclusions on what elements during the training should be given more attention and devote more time to. Their task is also to catch the mistakes made by individual players and pass it on to them after the end of the competition. Thanks to this, the rescuer knows which elements are being performed incorrectly and, through consultation with the instructor, learns how to correct them. At the same time, they encourage the participants to constantly practice and improve their skills, thanks to which they become better rescuers. Rescue competitions played in the real work environment of rescuers, e.g. competitions in coastal rescue, test the skills of rescuers much better than competitions played, for example, in an indoor swimming pool. Swimming in the pool does not fully reflect the natural environment and only through the water it is filled with does it resemble it. The main difference between the water in the pool and in the natural environment is that it is transparent all the time, thanks to which the rescuer can see everything perfectly. In addition, competitions played by the sea are very similar to the situations in which rescuers can actually find themselves while performing their duties during the summer season.


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How to Cite

Skalski, D. W., Kowalski, D., Kindzer В., Kreft Р., & Gamma Т. (2022). SELECTED SPORT COMPETITION IN WATER RESCUE IN THE OPINION OF WATER RESCUERS. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (12), 177–183.

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