
  • O. K. Syrotynska
  • A. Yu. Chekhovska



circuit training, physical development, higher education students.


The article provides recommendations on the use of circuit training as an effective means for the harmonious physical development of higher education students. Purpose. The aims of the study were to provide theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, to select the optimal physical activity, to teach the technique of performing and to implement the complex of physical exercises of circuit training for independent classes in the future by higher education students for the purpose of harmonious physical development. Material. In the system of means and methods of physical education, a great place is given to circuit training, a system of specially selected physical exercises, methodological techniques for strengthening health, harmonious physical development and improving human motor abilities. Circuit training is one of the organizational and methodological forms of physical exercises, which is aimed mainly at the comprehensive development of motor skills, improvement of the cardiovascular system, development of all muscle groups, increase of muscle definition, intensive calorie burning and improvement of metabolism. One of the most important features of this form of training is the clear standardization of physical activity and, at the same time, its clear individualization. Another advantage is the adaptability of training, i.e., it is possible to choose a variant of physical activity that would allow you to exercise with individual intensity, taking into account the level of physical development, while remaining interesting and accessible to people with any physical fitness. Results. The following methods were used in the study: study and theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical method of persuasion, surveys, questionnaires, anthropometric methods, and analysis of the data obtained. The application of the method of circuit training in our study enabled higher education students to acquire knowledge and skills to choose the right exercises, dose physical activity, and conduct self-monitoring of their body condition. Conclusions. Based on the results of the study, we see that the method of circuit training is an effective means for harmonious physical development, and therefore is aimed at developing physical qualities, expanding the functional and adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular and other systems, increasing efficiency and improving the psych emotional state. The acquired knowledge and skills have made the higher education students aware of the need to exercise regularly to maintain and improve their health in the future.


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How to Cite

Syrotynska О. К., & Chekhovska А. Ю. (2023). CIRCUIT TRAINING AS AN EFFECTIVE TOOL FOR HARMONIOUS PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (14), 236–241.

