cheerleading, young athletes, posture, prevention, correction, screening, technology.Abstract
The aim is to scientifically substantiate and develop theoretical and methodological principles of prevention and correction technology for functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system in cheerleaders at the stage of their initial training based on theoretical analysis and our own experimental research. Methods. Include analysis and generalization of special scientific resources (for studying and substantiating initial provisions of the research, defining its problem area); empirical level of research: pedagogical observation, in the course of the research, more than 100 educational and training classes on cheerleading were attended on the basis of children’s and youth sports school No. 10 (Kyiv), cheerleading school CheerNika (Kyiv), sports club “Junior sport”, pedagogical the experiment – ascertaining and sequential and transformative); medical and biological methods (anthropometry; photography and analysis of cheerleaders’ posture were carried out with the help of “APECS AI” software; methods of mathematical statistics were used for processing the results of the study, proving the statistical significance of the results. Results. The priority of preventive and rehabilitation component of athletes’ multi-year training process is due to a dangerous situation, which can take place concerning health of young athletes during the first and up to the third stages of their training. According to experts, the former is characterized by an increase in the number of negative trends in the state of athletes’ somatic health at each of the stages of their growth. Analysis and systematization of the theory and methods of training athletes in cheerleading allowed us to reveal a number of contradictions: the one between the elaboration of issues related to posture disorders prevention and correction in young athletes in sports theory and the lack of data on corrective and preventive measures in cheerleading, necessary for arranging effective educational and training process; the one between society’s awareness of the need for cheerleading development, including its informatisation, and insufficient development of multimedia technologies and pedagogical tools for its integration into the system of young cheerleaders’ training. Conclusions. The technology of prevention and correction of musculoskeletal system functional disorders in young cheerleaders, which is integrated into the educational and training process, has been substantiated and developed. The suggested technology includes social and pedagogical prerequisites (inhibiting and stimulating factors influencing the state of biomechanics of young cheerleaders’ musculoskeletal system), five stages of design (diagnostic, pre-design, design, implementation, control-corrective), aim, general and special tasks, principles of general pedagogical prospects, corrective and preventive activities, organizational and pedagogical conditions, indicative models of educational and training sessions, blocks of practical implementation, multimedia informational and methodical system “Cheerleading Star”, efficiency criteria. The implementation of the author’s technology takes into account a number of requirements, namely conceptuality, anthropocentrism, situationality, contextuality.
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