stage 2–3 coxarthrosis, therapeutic exercises, joints, physical therapy, traditional methods of physical therapy.Abstract
Objective. The research aims to identify the most effective approaches and recommendations for applying aspects of traditional physical therapy programs in the treatment of stage 2–3 coxarthrosis, using the Neuhrach and Mulligan techniques, as well as their combination. Materials and methods. The study was conducted based on the analysis of scientific works [1–34] and informative sources covering data from rehabilitation centers in Kyiv from 2021 to 2023. The study included 120 patients (60 males, 60 females) with stage 2–3 coxarthrosis. The assessment of functional status included gait analysis, range of motion, functional composite movements, pain intensity using the VAS scale, and other indicators. Results. The effectiveness of traditional physical therapy programs in the treatment of stage 2–3 coxarthrosis using evidence-based medicine approaches is analyzed. Traditional physical therapy programs used for treating stage 2–3 coxarthrosis are discussed. The article examines evidence-based medicine approaches to research quality assessment, including randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses. Overall, this article provides an important overview of the effectiveness of traditional physical therapy programs for treating stage 2–3 coxarthrosis based on evidence-based data. The research demonstrates the overall benefits of the Neuhrach and Mulligan techniques, as well as their combination, for physical therapy in patients with stage 2–3 coxarthrosis. The application of evidence-based medicine approaches allowed for an objective assessment of the quality and potential limitations of rehabilitation programs. Conclusions. The article highlights the advantages and limitations of different traditional physical therapy programs for treating stage 2–3 coxarthrosis based on evidence-based data and emphasizes the relevance of applying the Neuhrach and Mulligan techniques, as well as their combination. The research results underline the necessity of considering individual patient needs and consulting medical professionals when selecting a methodology. This overview contributes to a more informed application of traditional physical therapy programs in the practice of treating stage 2–3 coxarthrosis.
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