motor qualities, physical education, higher education, young men, somatotypesAbstract
This study attempts to determine the effectiveness of physical activity parameters used by first-year male students with different somatotypes in improving components of physical fitness. The study involved 75 young men aged 17.9±0.4 years, who began their studies at a higher education institution and belonged to various somatotypes. Using random sampling, experimental and control groups were formed for each somatotype. Both groups used the same experimental and traditional factors to ensure the physical activity of the young men. The key difference was that the first factor involved physical loads tailored to the current state of motor quality development in young men of each somatotype, based on the average normative assessments developed by us for this type. The content of the classes was based on the interests and preferences of the students, while the instructor only provided general organization, adjusted some means and methods, and optimized parameters based on the current capabilities of the students. In the control groups, the content consisted of generally accepted load parameters that affected motor qualities, where the level of manifestation differed most from the necessary values according to the recommended age-related normative assessments by researchers. Somatotype was diagnosed using a modified method of Shtefko-Ostrovskiy. Necessary data were collected at the beginning and end of the experiment using the most commonly used tests for assessing various motor qualities in domestic and foreign research. During the academic semester, the experimental groups of young men with A-type and D-type somatotypes improved in 4 motor qualities, while those with T-type and M-type improved in 2 qualities. In contrast, control groups showed improvement in only 1 quality, specifically in A-type and M-type. When comparing the results of the experimental and control groups of specific somatotypes at the end of the study, higher results were observed in the experimental groups: for A-type, there were 2 indicators; for T-type and M-type, there were 3 each; and for D-type, there was 1. In other indicators, the values did not differ. Regardless of somatotype, the experimental factor contributes to a better development of motor qualities in young men than traditional organization and content of university physical education, which do not consider the implementation of a personalized approach based on the characteristics of each somatotype.
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