



health, healthy lifestyle, motivation, musculoskeletal system, postural disorders, mature age, women, health fitness


Introduction. There is a wide range of researchers who are seriously concerned about the state of health of the modern population. Experts note that the highest rate of morbidity is in the class of diseases of the circulatory system, the second place in the morbidity structure is occupied by diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The aim of the research is to determine the features of a healthy lifestyle, motivation for health fitness classes of women aged 25-34 with different types of posture using the method of building the decision tree. Methods of research: theoretical analysis and generalization of literature sources; sociological methods, pedagogical experiment, photography and posture analysis, methods of mathematical statistics. The results. It is noted that the study covered a group of women of the first period of the mature age (25-34 years old), who were divided into two groups depending on the state of posture (normal, poor), type of posture (with normal posture, kyphosis and scoliotic posture) and age (25-29 years old, 30-34 years old). The influence of factors of sample (age, posture, type of posture) on the studied parameters was different. Such factors as age and type of postural disorder (kyphosis, scoliotic posture) had a much smaller influence than the fact of postural disorder or its normality. No statistically significant differences between groups were found for most indicators. Women with normal posture kept a healthier lifestyle compared to women having kyphosis and scoliotic posture, as they had a significantly lower average range for this indicator. Statistically significant differences detected by Fisher's test and confirmed by Tukey's post-hoc test confirmed that normal posture is naturally associated with favorable daily behavioral habits aimed at maintaining health. Differences between women with kyphosis and scoliotic posture were not significant, indicating a similar lifestyle. Conclusions. It was found that the most common type of posture among women in the first period of mature age is the type of kyphosis, which have 44,4% of women, while normal posture and scoliotic posture occur with the same frequency of 27,8% each. In summary, we note that the normality of the posture was found to be associated with habits favorable for preserving health of women in the first period of mature age. Poor posture, regardless of the type of disorder, was marked by a lower frequency of morning gymnastic exercises and a less habit of doing gymnastics between work. If we turn to the motivations for health fitness classes, then according to the data from the general sample, the most significant for women was health with an average ranked value of 1,44. It was on the first place of 72,2% of the respondents. Aesthetic appearance was also an important motivator, with an average rank of 1,97%, and 22.2% of women considered it to be the main purpose of fitness.


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How to Cite

Samoiliuk, O. V., Bychuk, O. I., & Grygus, I. M. (2024). EVALUATION OF LIFESTYLE AND MOTIVATION OF ENGAGEMENT IN HEALTHY FITNESS THE FIRST PERIOD OF MATURE AGE USING THE METHOD OF BUILDING A DECISION TREE. Rehabilitation and Recreation, 18(4), 128–141. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-1795.2024.18.4.13




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