
  • D. Czarnecki
  • D. W. Skalski
  • D. Jabłońska-Mazurek
  • M. Graczyk
  • B. Kindzer
  • T. Gamma



Ключові слова:

sport, kultura fizyczna, sprawność fizyczna, wychowanie fizyczne.


The most important factors that have a significant impact on health and life expectancy are physical activity. Physical activity is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle. There is a common belief that physical activity is one of the most important categories that determine the proper functioning of the human body. Leading an active lifestyle has many benefits. The benefits of physical activity are obvious. Systematic physical activity is a very strong biological stimulator and is one of the main determinants of human physical and mental health. Its optimal level stimulates development, secures motor needs, strengthens the heart efficiency, improves the flexibility of muscles and joints, and strengthens muscles and bones. Therefore, specific forms of physical activity include not only sports exercises, but also physical effort related to active movement, e.g. to work, school, work, doing all kinds of housework and physical activity in free time). Physical activity is, of course, associated with a very differentiated energy expenditure, depending on the intensity of exercise / physical effort, its duration, ambient temperature or body weight of the person performing the physical effort. It has been proven that active people, compared to inactive people, feel better and experience less mental or physical ailments, such as low mood or headaches. Physical activity, as commonly perceived, is associated with intensive practicing of various sports. Meanwhile, you don't need to be a seasoned runner or an excellent swimmer to achieve the level of physical activity that will positively affect our health. Bearing in mind the above conditions, an attempt was made to diagnose this phenomenon, focusing mainly on school students. They wanted to find out what level of knowledge in terms of physical activity and its impact on health is represented by students, and what lifestyle they lead themselves.


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Як цитувати

Czarnecki, D., Skalski, D. W., Jabłońska-Mazurek, D., Graczyk, M., Kindzer, B., & Gamma, T. (2023). UWARUNKOWANIA AKTYWNOŚĆI FIZYCZNEJ. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (14), 252–257. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-1795.2023.14.30




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