
  • A. O. Nohas Institute of Health of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences
  • S. V. Hutsman Institute of Health of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences
  • P. S. Podoliaka Institute of Health of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences
  • T. V. Hamma Institute of Health of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences
  • O. I. Nikolenko Institute of Health of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences



healthy lifestyle, health, physical culture, physical activity


The article summarizes the literary information on the definition of the concept of a healthy lifestyle, considers its components, summarizes the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of a healthy lifestyle with the help of physical culture. The aim of the study was to substantiate the positive influence, role and importance of physical culture in the formation of a healthy lifestyle. In the theoretical study, the following general scientific research methods were used: analysis and synthesis of sources of scientific and methodological literature; study and generalization of the experience of effective methods of forming a healthy lifestyle through physical culture. The interrelation of physical culture as one of the most significant means, which contributes to the formation of a healthy lifestyle, has been proved. It was found that the specific basis of the content of physical culture is the rational physical activity of a person, which is one of the most important indicators of a healthy lifestyle. Physical culture and sports are of great importance in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, spiritual and physical development of a person. The results of the studies carried out by different authors have proved that physical exercise strengthens health, increases neuropsychic activity to emotional stress, and supports physical and mental performance. Accordingly, in the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle, it is effective to use the means of physical culture and sports; the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle by means of physical culture takes place subject to the active participation of the individual in physical activity, which causes positive emotional experiences.


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How to Cite

Nohas А. О., Hutsman С. В., Podoliaka П. С., Hamma Т. В., & Nikolenko О. І. (2021). THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF FORMATION OF A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE WITH THE HELP OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (9), 187–192.

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