
  • T. V. Hamma
  • I. M. Grygus
  • I. O. Orel
  • A. M. Hirak



physical therapy, children aged 10–12 years, program


The article is devoted to a topical issue – the development of scoliosis in children aged 10–12 years. It is important that with each passing year there is a tendency to a steady increase in the number of children with this pathology. The purpose of this work was to analyze the data of scientific and methodological literature on the development, treatment and physical therapy of scoliosis in adolescents, and to develop a program of physical therapy for children with scoliosis II degree. The main causes of musculoskeletal disorders are considered. The analysis of literature sources on the etiology, pathogenesis, basic methods of treatment and physical therapy of children with scoliosis of II degree. It has been shown that the main objectives of physical therapy for scoliosis are to prevent further progression of the deformity, strengthen the muscular corset, prevent or treat spinal pain, improve aesthetics by correcting posture, improve respiratory function and cardiovascular health. The program of physical therapy of teenage children with scoliosis of the II degree which contains four consecutive stages is offered: adaptive, the first and second training and advanced. It should be noted that the design of the program should take into account the general factors that will inevitably lead to the success of treatment. To achieve the most effective treatment outcome, it is also important to keep in mind that the program must be individual for each child and comprehensive. It is also necessary to use the IFF-DP, which allows you to consider not only the diseases and problems of the child, but also a person who has their own needs and opportunities to realize their potential in everyday life. Systematic evaluation of treatment effectiveness, testing and modification of methods in the course of therapy is also very important for the success of treatment.


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How to Cite

Hamma Т. В., Grygus І. М., Orel І. О., & Hirak А. М. (2022). PHYSICAL THERAPY FOR CHILDREN AGED 10–12 YEARS WITH II DEGREE OF SCOLIOSIS. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (11), 10–17.

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